Acne appears to cause the face to become unsightly. Many people will not be able to resist molding it immediately. However, dermatologists say that many pimples cannot be touched by their hands because they can cause inflammation and leave scars. Therefore, Spa Rose has listed the types of acne below that should not be molded for you to avoid.

Types of acne should not be molded

1. Acne should not be molded – Ingrown hair

Acne should not be molded - Ingrown hair
Acne should not be molded – Ingrown hair

The condition of hair trapped below the surface of the skin, not growing as usual is considered ingrown hair. They are inhibited and grow into red pimples that cause itching and inflammation on the surface of the skin. Many people find them inconvenient so they use tweezers or hands to spit. However, this action is not right. Inflammatory conditions, severe irritation and prolonged are the result of arbitrary acne molding. Therefore, when encountering ingrown hair, you can use hydrocortisone topical drugs as directed by your doctor. Before applying it should clean the skin area. This topical drug will have the effect of reducing redness, itching and irritation to the skin.

2. Acne should not be molded – Blisters, blisters

Tiny blisters li
Mụn nước nhỏ li li

Mụn rộp là dạng mụn sưng tấy, có mủ nước. Do đó, khi nặn mụn rộp rất dễ lây lan, gây viêm nhiễm vùng da bên cạnh. Trong mụn rộp chứa rất nhiều virus do đó bạn nên cẩn thận. Thay vì xử lý bằng tay, bạn có thể sử dụng thuốc bôi để tình trạng được thuyên giảm. Nhưng nếu tình trạng kéo dài và xuất hiện nhiều bạn nên đi khám bác sĩ để khám và điều trị. Đây là loại mụn dễ lây lan nên bạn hạn chế tiếp xúc thân mật với người khác.

3. Mụn không nên nặn – Mụn thịt

Mụn thịt
Mụn thịt

Acne does not cause swelling, redness or pain. Instead, it’s just a small white bump that doesn’t break. Acne grows not due to dirt, slime or dermatitis. It’s a small, harmless form of cyst. The meat may go away on its own. Therefore, you should not try to mold them. Not only do the pimples not go away, but they also make the skin swollen red . You can use retinoid creams to help soften them faster. Or go to the doctor immediately to get rid of them with specialized equipment.

4. Acne should not be molded – Thickening of hair follicle horns

Thick horns of hair follicles are often called chicken skin. They appear due to the accumulation of keratin, a protein that helps protect the skin, hair and nails from infections and other harmful environmental toxins.

When keratin accumulates, it will cause clogging of hair follicles and acne. If you mean to mold them, it will cause skin damage, redness and scarring.

The solution to this type of acne is to use a chemical exfoliator with salicylic acid or glycolic acid. These types have the effect of calming inflammatory nodules, softening acne.

Or if you want to get rid of them thoroughly then it is advisable to see a dermatologist for treatment. Use a topical drug tretinoin to exfoliate the skin area and laser if the skin is red.

5. Acne should not be molded – Blackheads

The fact that the oil secretes too much causing clogging of the pores will cause acne to grow. The oil on the skin is exposed to oxidized air, which causes the acne to be black. Blackheads, although very easy to mold, should not be arbitrarily molded with their hands. Because when we do not clean properly, the bacteria will be momentum to enter the skin cells, causing the skin to pimple, red swelling.

Blackheads usually grow a lot in the nose and sides of the cheeks. Salicylic acid and retinol are substances that help exfoliate dead skin cells, promote new cell replacement, prevent clogging pores.

6. Cystic acne

Cystic acne
Cystic acne

This type of acne hides very deep under the surface of the skin, forming a red, masonic, swollen nodule. This type of acne not only causes aches and pains but is also difficult to treat with prescription drugs. Inflammation plus cystic acne inhibits the healing process and causes permanent scarring.

This is extremely dangerous if molded on your own. Fish follicles are deep under the skin, you will be very difficult to get acne kernels. That only makes the pimples more swollen, redder. It is best to go to the dermatologist, to get a cortisone injection to save you from the above condition.

7. Whiteheads

This is a very common type of acne. The inflamed skin area is swollen, slightly red, growing rapidly over time, causing pain as soon as the papillae is first. On the tip of the pimple appears white. This is a fluid consisting of a mixture of bacteria, oils and skin cells. So when molded, they “break” and release the substance inside. If you don’t get the filling, it will only make them swollen.

8. Fat U

On the face appears a mass of fat under the skin is a fat tumor. You may feel like they’re like pimples. Fat tumors are usually harmless but they can be painful.

Above, Spa Rose has listed to help you the types of acne that should not be molded. Hopefully from now on you give up the habit of arbitrarily molding acne to avoid causing many serious consequences for the skin. If you experience one of the above types of acne, you should go straight to the dermatologist for easy and effective treatment.